Sunday, October 7, 2007

Food for thought... its time to think =)

I'm talking about the skill of APPROACHING WOMEN.

When you have the ability to approach a woman and start a conversation with her, you IMMEDIATELY begin meeting more women every weekend that most men will meet in SIX MONTHS.

Knowing it helps you ----

1. Practically eliminates ALL chance of rejection
2. Lays the groundwork for natural conversation, killing any "awkward" moments
3. Gets her to not only have a conversation with you... but feel ATTRACTION for you with in the first minutes and even SECONDS of approaching her.

Now... what do we really need to know...?

How to approach a woman who is out with a mixed group of friends... or even another guy?

What you must do differently when approaching a woman who is with her girlfriends to avoid having them TURN AGAINST YOU?

What specific lines and techniques for approaching women in every situation you can imagine... from the mall to the beach to the elevator... along with proven word-for-word lines that work nearly ANYWHERE?

How to approach those ULTRA-HOT women in clubs and get them to totally open up to you... even if you are the tenth guy to hit on them that night?

What to do AFTER you approach and the conversation is flowing to ensure she sees you as LOVER instead of just a friend...

Of course...there are many more things you guys might want to ponder about...
But well...
This is a brilliant start...
And do not haress me for the answers =)