Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How to make a women fall truely, madly, deeply in love with you.

This will be a post into unlocking the door to the hearts of women. I hope that my knowledge would be sufficient for those of you out there who would be interested in learning the art of making a women fall truely, madly, deeply in love with you. Posting this post would probably be a very stupid thing to do, as women who happen to read this post would already see what's coming if ever, I would choose to pursue that very person. However, that reason alone is not enough to deter me from posting this post.


Learn how to give her food for thought. Get her thinking by what you say, by what you do. Get her thinking about you. It is very important that you do this. Influencing her in ways where it is not obvious you are influencing her. Influence her thoughts, her attitude, her perception towards you and many other things and issues in life. Brain washing and persuading her is sometimes very important but is equally as hard as it is important to do. Brain washing and influencing her thoughts on you of being her ideal or perfect guy is probably the perfect thing to do. Brain washing and influencing her on being with you even though you are not the ideal or perfect guy for her would be an even more perfect thing to do. Food for thought, brain washing, influencing, and persuasion. Remember those.

Doing something for her to notice without making it obvious that the action of her noticing it was what you were trying to do. this works very well into showing her the other good side of you that she would love but is yet to notice. Make the situation of her discovering your good side as a pure coincidental and accidental occurrence.

Learn how to praise yourself and make it seem like its suppose to be a joke. Try to put down and talk bad about yourself to show that you are a humble person. Learn how to balance confidence and humility altogether. This is again very important. A girl loves a guy who in someway is full of confidence. However too much confidence might make you seem arrogant, egoistic, and just simply too full of yourself. We don't want that. Humble yourself and exude humility at the right moments.

Be sensitive and emotional. However, try not to show these qualities out at the early stage of your getting to know her. Slowly and gradually show her these qualities once she's gotten to know you a little bit more. Every girl loves a guy who is a man most of the time and a women at the right moments. By the way, sensitive and emotional guys tend to make women think of them as romantic and thoughtful, two qualities which most women find to be very attractive in a man.

Talk about things which would make her compare you with others and see that you are better.
For girls who have pride,make her feel humble in your presence.
For girls who have insecurity issues, boost up their confidence and make them feel secure.
Show her how you and her have something in common or a certain likeness in any possible way.
Most girls usually have a certain personality trait that they look up for in a guy. If you don't already have that personality trait. Its time to develop that trait. Or to the very least let her think you have it.

Be unique and different in a good way. That's the keyword

Make her feel loved. Make her feel adored. Make her feel needed and wanted. But be careful not to give it too much. She might step over your head or take you for granted. Know when to give, know when to hold back. This is very very important.

Make the girl feel special, and let her know that she too has touched your life in a unique way like no one else could.

Show appreciations, learn how to compliment and praise sincerely, learn how to appreciate certain things about her and let her know you appreciate those things about her. Help her see herself in a different light.

In your day to day talks, share your dreams, your world, and every aspect of your life with your girl. Always dream with her, build with her, and always cheer her on and encourage her. Tell your girl how you always think about her even when you try not to think about her. Let the girl know that she's your first thing in the morning and the last thing when you go to bed at night.

Her knowing that you were thinking of her when you slipped beneath the softness of your blanket and gave in to the bliss of sweet dreams, will make her go "oh my god, he's just simply so sweet".

Get her thinking about you. Very important thing this is. Sometimes this might just be the only thing you need to do to get a girl to like you. Which is the first step into making the girl love you.

You have to be creative and constructive to keep girl's interest in you so full of life. I remember one time I told my girlfriend to be to imagine we are both deaf and dump. We then sat opposite each other on the table and started sharing our feelings for each other using eyes and hand signs. It turned out to be some fun. There was also this time that we were in the library and we decided we are not going to speak to each other verbal, so I wrote a love note on a paper and passed it across the table to her, she replied and on and on we carried on our love on paper conversation till we almost finish an exercise book. At sometime, I noticed that some guys nearby our table were enjoying our ordeal than their studies. Such are the things that made the girl embrace my world. I remember her suggesting that we play deaf and dump two years after we broke up, can you imagine that?

Always do sweet things which are least expected. For example... do lame, silly and corny things like suddenly buying her flowers out of the blue when you don't usually buy her flowers. Make a very unexpected appearance at her home just to give her a hug and tell her how much you love her then go back home. Call her suddenly at 5am in the morning just to tell her that you had a dream about her, then tell her how much you love her and miss her and then end the conversation. Slip a love poem in a letter and put it somewhere where she would discover it and know that it was from you, like in her exercise book, her bag, her folder which she puts her notes in...stuff like that. Cook something for her(would be great if it was nice).

Don't kiss her when she expects you too. Do not rush sex. Do not give in into temptations that she might give you which leads to sex. If you need to, make her rape you. You will know when the time is right to give in. Your respect as a gentleman will be earned on how patient you are with her when it comes to such matters as kissing her and accessing her inner graces.

The writings are on your forehead that you want her, but you can't have her just yet. Increase your demand. Try to show her that men are also hard to get at times. Make her realize that when she feels a little dizzy, a little tired, a little sad, a little sick, a lot bored and very much cold, she's actually missing vitamin you. By this time, she'll be so much into you and since love is truthful and is characterized by open and honest communication, honestly promise her your everlasting devotion, loyalty, respect, and your unconditional love for a lifetime. Prove to her that you'll always be there for her, to listen and to hold her hand, and that you'll always do your best to make her happy, and feel loved.

Remember, patience is the key to her heart; be like that gardener watching a fruit as it hangs on the tree, day after day admiring it, but, exercising tremendous self-discipline, neither feeling the fruit, nor pinching it, nor testing it to see if it is ready. And then, one day he holds out his hand and the fruit simply drops into it, ripe, warm and eager to be eaten.

The patience and self-control which you practice will make you more attractive and charming. This will qualify you as her daily vitamin and win you that heart.

Demonstrate to her something about you that she discovers to be of value for her. And she will discover it being of value for her for the simple reason of loving the way that value makes her feel.

So many guys think, that their mere presence and company is of some specific value to the girl - well it is not. If you sport a handsome face or a hot bod, then your presence can sometimes be a turn-on for a girl - she likes the way the look of your face and muscles make her feel and thus your presence can be of separate value for her. But even the few times that happens, it will wear off fast if it turns out that that is all you have to offer.One very important thing to remember, nobody will want your goods if they don't even know anything about it. So let them sample it by demonstrating value and personality. Five very simple traits(there are of course more then five) are as the following according to my opinion.

well groomed / good looks
ability to create an emotional connection / a feeling of romance

These are the things you could do in order to generate a connection.

mirror her actions physically and doing it in a not so obvious way
notice the things she says without realising or subconsciously, remember and use them
rephrase everything she says and feed it back to her
inspire, generate and connect all good feelings
don't argue with her, be very understanding, deeply understanding - this can help create an immense connection
have and keep good eye contact - also helps to create an immense connection
touch her in a friendly, gentle, flirting manner. Keep those touches friendly and in a non sexual and non harmful manner.

We also need to know how to draw values out.The point of drawing forth values is to find out what she wants in and from a man and then turn into that man of her dreams by providing her with it. But don't be fooled, if she says she wants her man to be tall and financially secure, you're not going to the doctor to get implants for your legs or rob a bank. What she gave you were means values, which means that tall in itself does nothing for her - what matters to her is how a tall man by her side makes her feel. And this is the key - for each means value you need to find out the ends value, which is what she really wants.

Let's take the example of a tall man. Asking her "and how does a tall man make you feel?" might reveal that it makes her feel secure and protected! Aha! That's what she really wants! She wants to feel protected and secure, not a "tall man" literally although that was rather how she perceive it to be.The important part is not what she says she wants (tall men, rich men, etc.). The important part is the feeling that she experiences when she is around (tall men, rich men, etc). As long as you can discover the feelings that are important to her, and create them in her mind, she will associate those feelings with YOU." In practice, she'll reject a tall man that doesn't make her feel protected and secure right away, whereas you, who you might not be tall at all but can make her feel secure and protected, have just elicited your way to her heart :)

I shall be more detailed about her needs and how to fulfill her needs in next post.
Till then, have fun.

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