Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How to manipulate people.

How to manipulate people .
It is so easy to manipulate someone who is chained to Success or driven by a fear of Failure.

A woman who wants above all to be a successful wife is easily made to do anything at all that her husband requires. "But Dear, Mrs. Jones always drops her husband off at the station, and I'm sure you can manage things better than her."

A person who wants monetary success more than anything else can be quite easily taken in by a scam. "I don't need to tell someone as wise as you in the way of money that there are certain insider tricks that help the fortunate few make a mint. Now if you have a few spare thousand to invest ...."

A man who wants above all to be successful at work can easily be got to work twice the hours for half the money in return for a promise. "Bill, you are fantastic. I have a feeling that the Big Boss has his eye on you for Big Things. Now you are the only one I can trust with this important deal, but I am afraid it will mean working extra hours ...."

If the manipulator estimates that the stick rather than the carrot is the better approach then the fear of failure is used.

"OK Jack. There are two doors. One has got a 'Yes, Sir' on it, the other has got 'Good-bye'. You choose."

"I love you, Colin, but I love Edward too, in a sort of way. He is very keen on me, and bought me this lovely coat last week ...." And Colin, faced with the prospect of losing her to Edward has to up the ante himself if he is not to fail.

I think you will find that every single time you have been manipulated into a bad bargain it has been as a result of someone either playing on your desire for some form of success or on your fear of some form of failure. That is why, to avoid being manipulated it helps to be able to scorn "Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same."

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